Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My nephew, Ed Baldwin

This is me, Jen and boys along with my nephew, Ed Baldwin. Ed is the worship director for his church in Montgomery, Alabama, and was out here for a convention in Lake Forest. If you're thinking Ed looks a bit old to be my nephew, you're right. I was only five years old when he was born! His Mom (and my oldest sister) is 16 years older than me (yep, I was a mistake:)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hey, I'm back!

O.K., my posting frequency has been very, very poor, I admit. Everyone keeps saying, "Hey, I clicked on your blog but you haven't posted anything in months."

Well, it's certainly not because I haven't had anything interesting to say, that's for sure. Lot's and lot's going on in my life and the real estate and mortgage industry. Just not enough hours in the day.

So, I'm turning over a new leaf and vow to post at least weekly from now on.

First of all, the photo is of my youngest son, Logan and I on Logan's kindergarten graduation from Rancho Community Christian School. You can tell he's a sweet boy, huh?! Just like Daddy:)

That black thingamajig you see on my left knee represents a painful story. I finally decided to get serious and lose weight and get in shape. Less than one month into my fitness routine I tore my ACL and Meniscus in my left knee. Surgery next Thursday.

Lesson: When you're 44 and not physically fit, don't try to do things the way you did when you were 24!