Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Real Lifesaver!

Over the weekend I was reading the paper and was amazed by how many people were injured in car accidents.

There was one story where the hospital couldn't identify the injured person and didn't know who to contact.

It reminded me of a tip that I have been meaning to pass along. So, here's the tip. Grab your cell phone and program in the most important person to notify in case you are hurt or in an accident. But instead of putting their name with that phone number, put in the following 3 letters: "I.C.E." This stands for "In Case of Emergency".

I have verified this information with several emergency room nurses and ambulance paramedics, even the captain of one of our local fire departments. All reported that once a patient is stabilized, they look in the cell phone for an "I.C.E." entry if that patient is unable to give them a contact person.

The medical personnel can then notify their loved one, let them know there has been an accident and what hospital to come to.

We all like to think it will never happen to us, but the truth is, it does happen. So get your cell phone out right now and program in your "I.C.E.". If your kids have cell phones, do the same for them.

Speaking of "life saver's", if your outgrowing your current home, downsizing, or getting ready to buy your first home, don't forget to call me! I've just listed some amazing properties and hope to share them with you soon!

Hope you have a great weekend and call me if I can help you with anything at all.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Congratulations, Lynnette!!!


I just attended the retirement ceremony of my client and friend, Gunnery Sergeant Lynnette Glover. Lynnette proudly served in the United States Marine Corps for 22 years.

Congratulations, Lynnette. Your service and sacrifice are greatly appreciated!

The next time you pass by a man or woman in uniform, tell them "thanks"


How Can You Get A 23% Raise?

I just finished reading a fascinating study that really emphasized the importance of appreciating the people we come in contact with.

The author was a Doctor in Human Behavior. He started his research by measuring the average tips of a waitress.

One night he instructed her to do everything the exact same way as normal, but this time she was to include a single mint candy for each person at the table when she handed them the bill. Her tips went up 3% overnight. Big deal you say. Well don't take this lightly, remember, most people get about a 3% cost of living raise each year.

But the study didn't end there. The following night she was to do everything the same again, but this time she was to include 2 mints for each person sitting at the table. Her tips increased by 13%! That's a pretty nice little raise.

The study gets really interesting now. For the next night he instructed her to continue with her normal service, but to go back to one mint for each person at the table. However, as she started to step away from the table she was to stop, turn back to the customers, grab an extra mint from her pocket for each person and say "For you fine people, here's an extra mint".

Guess what happened? Her tips increased by a whopping 23%!!! Wow!!
All that extra income came from just letting her customers know how important they were to her by showing some appreciation. A two cent mint and a little bit of gratitude brought a 23% raise. Not to shabby.

Please, don't take this study lightly. Remember, it's not about fooling someone, or just telling them what they want to hear, it's about a sincere acknowledgement of thanks.

In this case, the waitress really did appreciate her customers, because they were helping her feed her family and put her kids through school. This made her customers very special to her.

After reading this story, I started applying it in my own life, with my friends and family. Now I simply stop and let them know how important they are to me. It has made a huge impact on my relationships.

I also want to say that I appreciate you! I am grateful that you let me come into your life each week.

I also appreciate the trust you place in me when you refer your family and friends to me. As my way of saying thanks, I would like to give away some mints. No! For you fine people, something even better!

How about for the first 5 people who email me back, I'll send you a $10 gas card. Just reply back to this email to get your free gift as my way of saying "Thanks, I appreciate you!".

Oh, and one more thing. Congratulations to all those who have caught this recent wave of low interest rates! It's a great time in the real estate market, so don't miss out on this opportunity to grab a piece of the American Dream!

Give me a call soon, so I can update you on what's recently become available in your area.

Thanks again for allowing me into your world; I look forward to seeing you right here next week with another great weekly tip!

