Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Avoid This HUGE Problem!


Lately I've been getting a lot of phone calls from my clients telling me about mailers they are getting almost daily from their current mortgage lender and a bunch of others with offers to refinance their homes.

All of them want to know if these deals are real? So let's start from the top. About 99% of the time that you think it's your current lender sending this stuff to you, it's not.

Your name, your address, your current loan amount and interest rate, whether it is adjustable, when a prepayment penalty expires, and the lender that you are currently with, is all public information and big direct mail companies buy the lists right from the courthouse and trick you into thinking that they are your current lender.

They also throw in some scam phrases that make you think you have already been approved, but if you look at the fine print it says "may be approved", or "may decrease your payments", or "may be eligible".

Another trick they use is they put "file numbers" or "case numbers" on the mailer to make you think it is tied to your loan. In reality, each set of mailings they send out have the exact same file number. This is so they can track which letter you respond to. This allows them to know which letter to re-use in the future because it tricked the most people.

I saw one the other day that used the phrase "entitled homeowner". This made it sound like it was some special government program.

Other letters may say that there are only a certain number of people who are eligible and that the offer "expires" in two weeks.

There are no programs that only allow a certain amount of people in, and no programs that have some sort of magic "window of opportunity" date. These are all deceptions and lies.

You see the problem with all these letters is that your letter could be one of many scams with all these hidden fees and one that is doing what is going to put the most money in the mail marketer's pocket, and not what is in your best interest.

But, if you just throw it away, you could be throwing away something that is a real honest offer - one that would be in your best interest.

So what would I do? Well, to help you decide if what you are being sent is right for you, give me a call and I'll take a look at it with you. We can do this right over the phone. Feel free to fax, email, or even snail mail it to me.

I will review it with you and find out if this is something that will benefit you, or just another one of the many scams. This will cost you nothing, will take about 10 minutes of your time, and you are getting an expert's 2nd opinion.

Would you go have surgery without a second opinion? Don't make a huge mistake on what is probably one of the largest financial decision that you will make in your life, without a 2nd opinion from me, somebody you can trust!

Well thanks for letting me come into your life today. Make sure you let me know when you or your family are getting the "itch" to begin looking for a new home. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon!



CA DRE License #01418440


Saturday, August 20, 2011

What I Learned From a 6 Year Old?

I just got back from a family gathering and I had a great idea while I was there. Now I don't know about you, but I always enjoy looking at pictures of friends and family members at parties, I'm just not crazy about being the one who has to go around taking them.

So I was thrilled when I got this great idea at the reunion. At the very beginning of the party, I recruited my very cheerful and outgoing niece. I told her that I was designating her to be our official family photographer.

Her job was to go around and take everybody's picture. She gladly accepted this role, and I was relieved of my photographic responsibilities and was now free to enjoy my day but I had some very pleasant, unexpected surprises.

First, everybody was happy to smile and say "cheese" for this little secret weapon of mine.

Plus, I got to see a side of my friends and relatives that I don't normally get to see. Adults tend to let their hair down and act kind of goofy with 5 or 6 year olds.

I got some fabulous pictures of my more distinguished family members making some very unusual faces in their attempt to entertain this little girl.
Now I have some great pictures that will be tucked away for future blackmail.

But more importantly I got to experience life through the eyes of a 6 year old. As you would expect, the vantage point from 3 foot tall brought a whole different perspective! It reminded me that sometimes we just have to look UP.

I also got to see what was important to a 6 year old, which was quite amusing too. I had pictures of dogs and cats and the family spread.

I found the whole experience brought the kid out in my family and friends and it also did the same for me.

As the Holidays approach with their never ending parade of parties and functions, I urge you to consider "loaning" your inexpensive digital camera to one of the smaller kids in your family and be prepared to see a different view of the party!

I'm sure you'll get pictures you will treasure for years to come,and that may be the best tip I have ever given you.

Speaking of fresh viewpoint's; perhaps it's time to start thinking about finding that house in the country, closer to work, or on the lake that you've always talked about?

Seriously, if you haven't heard, it's really a great time to buy! Guidelines for lending are changing on an almost daily basis and what is available today may not be available tomorrow. Many doors are shutting; let's make sure you are in the right home before the door shuts.

And, I would love to see some of your party pictures! Trust me, when you see the results you are going to thank me for a long time.

Thanks for joining me today; I look forward to hearing from you soon!



Sunday, August 14, 2011

How a 10 Year Old Broke Into a Home - Is Your's Next?


My eldest, Dillon, yesterday setting up for a block in his first scrimage for this season's Temecula Titans.


I just saw a video that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!

It's about a well known trick thieves use to break into your house. In just a minute, I'll give you the link to click on so you can watch the video for yourself. You are not going to believe this!

A friend of mine who works for the local police department confirmed that all the bad guys already know this trick, so I thought the good guys should too!

The special keys used for their scheme are readily available on the internet for just a few dollars.

In the video you'll see a 10 year old child, with no prior experience, break into a house in 10 seconds with only 30 seconds of training on how to use these "bump keys".

I'm letting you know so you can get the special locks that are required to prevent this intrusion.

Before I give you the link, I wanted to spend just a few moments talking about the major changes in mortgage lending that you may be hearing about.

Over the last several months, literally hundreds of lenders have gone out of business. With all of this, huge changes in lending guidelines have resulted in a stricter qualification process for borrowers.

If you have been sitting on the fence, wondering if you should begin the adventure of finding a new home; NOW is the time to act!

The time to get everything in order is here while today's low rates and flexible loan programs are still available. Once the door is shut on some of these programs there will be no going back.

I want to assure you that I will continue to be here for you. I will provide you with everything that you need to get exactly what you are looking for!

You can pass this invitation on to your friends and family members as well.

So give me a call right after you watch the video. Just click on the link that says BUMP KEY Report. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr23tpWX8lM

This story will shock and amaze you! Go check it out! Thanks for joining me and giving me the opportunity to help protect you and your family!

P.S. - The names of the lock companies are: Medeco and Schlage Primus. For two more videos on lock bumping, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwTVBWCijEQ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQDR-DBQRfI&mode=related&search


