Saturday, March 12, 2011

My client just became a victim of FRAUD …


I was talking with a past client last week and he told me how he just recently became an unwitting victim of fraud.

Specifically, ‘check-washing’ fraud.

‘Check-washing’ is a process where low-life fraudsters steal your mail and erase the ink on a check using common household chemicals. Then, they rewrite the check to themselves. If that wasn’t bad enough, they typically increase the amount payable by hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

My client has no idea how the fraudsters got hold of his check as his neighborhood mail box and it’s out-going mail box showed no signs of break-in. Regardless, they took him for over $2,000.

I first heard about this a couple of years ago and discovered if you use a ‘Uni-Ball Jetstream Rollerball Pen’ to write your checks, this “washing” procedure cannot be accomplished. This is a special kind of ink pen that contains tiny particles of color that get trapped into the paper you write your checks on.

Of course, if you pay all your bills online, then you’re ahead of the game.

You can find the Uni-Ball Jetstream Rollerball pens at any office supply store like Staples or Office Depot and you should store this particular pen with your checkbook so that every time you pay your bills you can use it.

Hope you have a great weekend and please call me if I can help you in any way.

P.S. I’ll be hosting an Open House today (Saturday) from 12 noon – 5 p.m. in the beautiful Harveston Community in Temecula. Beautiful bank-owned home, fully remodeled by the bank and will be listed in the mid $300’s. 28997 Williston Ct.

If you know anyone who might be interested, please call me or send them my way!

