If you have visited my website in the last two days, you were no doubt surprised by the Youtube video on my home page.
Please allow me to explain. I contracted with a company to revise and update my website design. The name of this company and their website is www.atozwebsuccess.com.
I instructed them to create a video box that would allow me to insert my own videos. Basically creating my own video blog that could be changed and updated whenever I wanted.
The initial video this company used as an example in the re-design stage just happened to be an idiotic homemade youtube video where the two guys in the video used extreme profanity. How this company could be so unprofessional/incompetent is beyond my understanding.
I have been imploring this company to remove it for two days now. The problem is they are in India, I can only communicate with them via email, and their service and turn-around time is pathetic.
By the time I realized how bad they were, I was already too far invested in both time and money to start over with another company. Now, in hindsight, I should have pulled the plug on them.
I hope you understand the profane video was certainly not intentional on my part.
Thanks for understanding,