Here is a quick and easy tip for you! I love reading. I read
all the time and about all kinds of subjects.
I used to spend a ton of money on magazine subscriptions
because I need so many to ensure that I remain the expert you can trust.
Well, I found a great website that shows where we can get
the cheapest magazine subscriptions anywhere. I just looked and I can get Good
Housekeeping for only $5 per year. That's like 42 cents per issue!
Some of the magazines may have a "processing fee"
of around $5, but you are still getting the magazine delivered to your house
for less than $10 for an entire year. That is just crazy cheap. The website is
This is a great service that has saved us a lot of money. So
go and check it out. You know, I have a banner in my office that says rich
people have big libraries; poor people have big TV's.
So if you love to read, please do yourself a favor and check
out the website we just gave you and save yourself some money.
And would you please do us a favor? If you know of anybody
that is thinking about buying or selling a home, would you please share my name
with them?
Also, please feel free to call me anytime if you have any
questions or concerns about real estate. I'm always here to help you and your
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