If you've been working on your bank in an effort to get your loan modified you'll believe this story I'm about to share with you. If you have no experience dealing with banks "negotiators" whose sole purpose is to drive you crazy and make you go away then you might not believe me.
I recently had a client who was told by his lender that he would not qualify for a loan modification unless he became 60 days late. Up to that point he'd never missed a payment and in all likelihood could have continued doing so even though it was a mighty struggle and the property was worth less than he owed. He nervously followed their advice in order to qualify for the loan modification.
After skipping his second mortgage payment he called his lender and was shocked to have the new negotiator assigned to his file promptly inform him that he would still not qualify for a loan modification because of his debt-to-income ratios.
Luckily for my client, he had consulted with me before starting the whole process and took my advice about taking copious, detailed notes about everything he was told on every phone conversation he had with his 'Negotiator.' After detailing all the conversations he'd had with the original negotiator for 30 minutes she finally agreed that he was in fact qualified and then actually whispered into the phone, "they make me say all that stuff."
Can you believe that?! If you haven't figured it out yet, believe me when I say, the Wall Street power brokers who control the lending industry are corrupt. Absolute scumbags.
Unfortunately, the new terms they offered (after 2 years of trying!) did nothing to fix his long term problem of being more than $75k upside down on the property.
If you or anybody you know is in a similar situation, please don't keep me a secret! I can help.
Ken Hall
Allison James Estates & Homes
43015 Blackdeer Loop
Suite 104
Temecula, CA 92590