A while back, I got away from the very beneficial practice (and discipline) of writing my blog. Sometimes life can be pretty hectic; especially if you have kids. The older they become the more activities they become involved in and before you know it, you're a full-time taxi driver (or so it seems).
Don't mean to sound like I'm complaining about my kids. I'm not. I believe my three sons (and my niece and two nephews who lost their mother) are the REAL reason I was put on this earth.
But the point is, when we commit to something, we have to strive very hard sometimes to have and to maintain the discipline to stick with it. And taking time each week to write a few words is very important to me and I am re-committed to doing so consistently.
I believe I can HELP PEOPLE. In my business, I meet people from all walks of life and never fail to learn something from everyone I meet. Not just 'learn something,' but actually learn something that helps me in a myriad of ways.
So if I learn something that helps me, then what I've learned can probably help others. It's not always big stuff. Perhaps never anything world-changing. But definitely things that can help others in ways both big and small.
Whether it's how to raise your credit scores, or recommending a plumber or appliance repairman who did a great job for me at an affordable price. Whatever it may be, I can be of service to others by sharing what I know (note to self: immediately write my next blog post recommending Jeff Cuny and Charlie Asian - a terrific plumber and a terrific appliance repairman).
And I'm not saying everything I write IS helpful. Sometimes it's just me talking about (i.e., bragging about) my family or maybe just commiserating about something that bugs the s#!@ out of me.
But the point is, again, it's just good to put it 'out there.' So put it 'out there' I shall. And I'll do my best to do so consistently and always with the hope it will be helpful to someone in some way.