Friday, December 16, 2011

What is the Biggest Mistake Sellers Make in Today's Real Estate Market?


I was speaking with a nationwide top real estate agent the other day. During our conversation, I asked him, "What is the biggest mistake that you see sellers make in today's real estate market?"

His answer blew me away because it seems so easy to avoid. He said the biggest mistake he sees people make is not making a counteroffer on purchase offers they deny.

He said it is critical for sellers to not take offense to a buyer's offer and completely forget about them.

Instead, try to come to an agreement with an offer of your own that is below what you are asking and above what they offer. While this seems like such an obvious answer, he said many people just ignore a real low offer. That is a HUGE MISTAKE!

Frequently a buyer comes in at a low price on the first offer just to see what will happen, even if they are prepared to pay full price.

It is so important to keep the lines of communication open. Communication is the secret to success in all relationships.

Just remember that you have somebody that has seen your house and wants to buy it. Obviously they want to pay as little as possible, you want them to pay as much as possible, and that's why they call it negotiations. Counteroffers can be a great way to sell and buy a home.

Don't forget, if you are thinking of buying or selling a house, it's critical that you have the right real estate agent working for you. There are so many rookies out there that talk the talk, but if you ask them how many deals they have actually done in the last 12 months, most have pathetic numbers to report.

Is that who you want working on what is likely to be the biggest transaction you will make? Of course not!

Give me a call, I have years of experience to direct you and help you along the way. In today's economy, you just can't afford to make a financial mistake.

You have my number and my email address; I look forward to hearing from you soon!



CA DRE License #01418440

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Client Dave Just Saved $1,300!!

I just got this email from my client, Dave:

Dave J to me
show details 1:35 PM (13 minutes ago)

Hi Ken,

I took the advice of your client newsletter of a few weeks ago about getting a lower rate on my credit cards. My first attempt a couple of weeks ago was contacting U.S. Bank who wouldn’t budge on their 12.00% APR. That told me I was probably getting their best rate possible. Just a few minutes ago, I called Citibank about my rate which had increased to 19.99%. This sudden rate increase was after a 0% APR offer had expired.

The first person that I spoke with, located in their Kansas City office, was only able to lower my rate to 18.99%. However, SHE OFFERED to transfer me to a supervisor for further review of my account. In that subsequent conversation I referenced my relationship with Citibank that dates back to 1992. Also, I stated that the other credit cards in my possession were offering 8% and 12%. That Florida based supervisor quickly reviewed my account and immediately offered an 11.99% rate for the next 6-months (which is prime rate of 3.25% plus 8.74%.)

Assuming that I will pay off my card balance in the next 6 months this rate modification will provide a savings of over $1,300. That is money that I would have lost if I had not closely read my statement for the rate change and made a phone call. Not a bad return for a 5 minute investment.

Thanks for the sound and practical financial advice. Keep up the great work. I actually look forward to receiving your emails every Saturday morning!

Dave J

By the way, Dave owns "Roadside Advertising" in Temecula. If you need any type of advertising signage, he's your man.

43040 Rancho Way
Suite 300
Temecula CA 92590


Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm Spilling The Beans Today!


I'm going to spill the beans today!

As many of you know, I do a lot of reading. I typically read about 2 or 3 books a week. I do this to stay well informed for my benefit as well as yours.

I'm often asked how I do it. Where do I find time to do that much reading? Well, if the truth be told, about 90% of all the books are audio books. This allows me to listen during all those down times throughout the day. Like when I am driving, during my walks, waiting in the checkout line, getting my oil changed, and so much more!

About 5 years ago, I found this great website called They have thousands of books that I can download right off the internet, onto my computer.

From there, this easy to use program allows me to listen from my computer, burn to a disc so I can listen in my car, or download directly into my IPOD.

Most of the books I choose have to do with business and financing, however, they also have fiction novels, travel books, self help books, radio shows and periodicals, you name it. There are best sellers by top authors like Dean Koontz, James Patterson, Stephen King, Dan Brown and more. There are also audio magazines like Forbes and Scientific American; audio newspapers like The New York Times Audio Digest; and even radio shows like Car Talk and This American Life!

Listen on your commute, at the gym, or anywhere you go. It's a great way to learn, and be entertained at the same time. I find I listen to subjects that I normally wouldn't think about.

So now you know one of my best kept secrets about how to stay informed and educated. Statistics say that if you spend 1 hour a day reading in your field, in three to five years you will be a national expert. So I strongly recommend this service. The plan I use is about $23 dollars per month.

The amount of knowledge you will gain, the time you will save and the fun you'll have doing it will likely make this the best $20 purchase that you'll make each month.

Thanks for letting me share with you. Don't forget, whenever you have real estate questions, give me a call or shoot me a quick email. If I don't have the answer, I know where to find it. I stay informed, and will always give you honest answers. But then, you already knew that, didn't you.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!



CA DRE License #01418440


Monday, October 10, 2011

How To Make A Grown Man Cry!


Most of the time, the tips I provide are great FREE services that bring you HUGE benefits.

Today's tip could save you thousands of dollars and countless working hours, but will cost you only $2-$10/month.

A friend of mine just lost what seemed like his whole life, when his laptop fell in the water last week. He said he nearly cried!

We have all heard horror stories of computers crashing and people losing all of their data, hard work, not to mention perhaps all of your vacation pictures. This only has to happen to you once before you become a believer in this tip!

We all know we should back up our computers daily, but let's face it, it probably doesn't happen even once a month, much less daily.

Here is a great service that will back up your computer automatically for $2 per gigabyte. It stores the information on a secure online server via your internet connection every time you are away from your computer for more than 30 minutes or so.

I just signed up for this myself and it was so easy to set up. Just go to

Trust me; if you don't have something like this in place to protect you and your valuable information, you are taking a huge risk.

Thanks for joining me; I look forward to hearing from you soon!



CA DRE License #01418440


Monday, October 3, 2011

Secrets To Raising Your Credit Score!


Today's tip will help you whether you are buying a new house, a new car, a cell phone, or applying for homeowners insurance!

With the rapidly changing conditions we've seen in the real estate and mortgage industries, it's critical to keep your credit score as high as possible.

Some employers pull credit reports on job applicants, so it will even help there.

These quick tips will help increase your overall credit score.

First, never cancel a credit card that is more than 2 years old. Having a "seasoned" account, one that is more than 2 years old is a big plus for you.

Next, increase your maximum allowable credit limit. In other words, if you have a credit card that is close to its maximum balance, call the credit card company and ask them to increase the credit limit.

The credit bureaus don't like to see "maxed out" credit. Tell them you would like them to do this without pulling your credit.

In addition to this, spread out your balances among your cards trying to keep the ratio between card balances and credit limit to 30% or less.

For example, let's say you have 3 credit cards and $3,000 in credit card debt. If all the cards have limits of say $4,000, it would be best to put $1,000 on each of the cards than to have just 1 of those cards with the full $3000 balance.

Finally, be sure to pay your bills on time. The number one reason for a low credit score is late payments.

And here's a scary fact. Studies show that 79% of all credit reports have errors on them. 79%!!! That's almost 8 out of every 10 reports. That almost sounds criminal, but it's true.

If you are even considering buying a new home or refinancing, let's take a look and see if we need to do some "homework" to build your credit score up to its highest possible point. Since lower scores mean higher interest rates, even a few lost points on your credit score could cost you tens of thousands of dollars in wasted interest payments.

Don't wait, give me a call soon to talk about your options.

You see, our relationship doesn't end when I help you find a beautiful home for your family; that's really just the beginning. Although I am here to make sure you get to the closing table with no surprises, I also want to help improve the quality of your life and to save you some of your hard earned money. And when your family grow's, or you decide to invest in another property, I want to be there to help you then too!

Thanks again for letting me enter your world each week and thanks for the referrals of your friends and family members. I appreciate it and so do they, I promise you that!



CA DRE License #01418440


Monday, September 19, 2011

Should Your Credit Be "Re-Aged"?


Here's a little known credit secret. Let's say that you or someone you know got into a bit of a bind some months ago and you have some credit accounts with late fees and over the limit charges. These "lates" affect your credit score.

The good news is that you can improve your credit score and get rid of the history of late payments by asking your creditor to "re-age" your account.

What is re-aging you ask? It's when your overdue credit card account gets zapped back to current. It's like starting the clock over. Say you're three months late on your credit card payments. If the creditor agrees to re-age your account, those three months are wiped out. Missed payments are forgiven. Late fees stopped.

You still owe the same amount of money, but you are no longer delinquent. You get a fresh start and your lender has one less delinquency to report.

There is a little catch though. You see, the length of your credit history is one of the five factors that affect your credit score. When an account is re-aged, it is reset in your credit report back to "zero" years. So, if you've had a credit card for 4 years, you lose those 4 years of credit history. This means that re-aging your oldest account may actually take away points on your credit score, but getting rid of several late payments that were made in the last 12 months or so should more than off-set that.

To be considered for re-aging:
- You must demonstrate a renewed willingness and ability to pay.

- The credit card account should be at least nine months old.

- You should have made at least three consecutive minimum monthly payments or the equivalent sum.

There are also limits on the number of times an account can be re-aged. A creditor may re-age an account only once in a 12-month period and twice in a five-year period for open-ended accounts such as credit cards.

Here are some tips for getting the ball rolling. First, be sure you ask nicely. Re-aging is not a requirement, it's a favor.

Next, if they haven't agreed yet, use this phrase: "The specifics of re-aging are set up by the Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council, outlined in its Uniform retail Credit Classification and Management Policy. Could you please check the guidelines to see if I qualify?" Quite a mouthful isn't it?

I also want you to know that when you are buying or selling your home, you could be missing out on a great opportunity. Please, if you haven't already; call me to get accurate information before making a decision.

Don't wait; call me soon to get informed, educated and empowered to do what is best for you and your family. Don't you owe that to yourself?

Thanks for allowing me in your life every week, I look forward to hearing from you soon!



CA DRE License #01418440


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Avoid This HUGE Problem!


Lately I've been getting a lot of phone calls from my clients telling me about mailers they are getting almost daily from their current mortgage lender and a bunch of others with offers to refinance their homes.

All of them want to know if these deals are real? So let's start from the top. About 99% of the time that you think it's your current lender sending this stuff to you, it's not.

Your name, your address, your current loan amount and interest rate, whether it is adjustable, when a prepayment penalty expires, and the lender that you are currently with, is all public information and big direct mail companies buy the lists right from the courthouse and trick you into thinking that they are your current lender.

They also throw in some scam phrases that make you think you have already been approved, but if you look at the fine print it says "may be approved", or "may decrease your payments", or "may be eligible".

Another trick they use is they put "file numbers" or "case numbers" on the mailer to make you think it is tied to your loan. In reality, each set of mailings they send out have the exact same file number. This is so they can track which letter you respond to. This allows them to know which letter to re-use in the future because it tricked the most people.

I saw one the other day that used the phrase "entitled homeowner". This made it sound like it was some special government program.

Other letters may say that there are only a certain number of people who are eligible and that the offer "expires" in two weeks.

There are no programs that only allow a certain amount of people in, and no programs that have some sort of magic "window of opportunity" date. These are all deceptions and lies.

You see the problem with all these letters is that your letter could be one of many scams with all these hidden fees and one that is doing what is going to put the most money in the mail marketer's pocket, and not what is in your best interest.

But, if you just throw it away, you could be throwing away something that is a real honest offer - one that would be in your best interest.

So what would I do? Well, to help you decide if what you are being sent is right for you, give me a call and I'll take a look at it with you. We can do this right over the phone. Feel free to fax, email, or even snail mail it to me.

I will review it with you and find out if this is something that will benefit you, or just another one of the many scams. This will cost you nothing, will take about 10 minutes of your time, and you are getting an expert's 2nd opinion.

Would you go have surgery without a second opinion? Don't make a huge mistake on what is probably one of the largest financial decision that you will make in your life, without a 2nd opinion from me, somebody you can trust!

Well thanks for letting me come into your life today. Make sure you let me know when you or your family are getting the "itch" to begin looking for a new home. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon!



CA DRE License #01418440


Saturday, August 20, 2011

What I Learned From a 6 Year Old?

I just got back from a family gathering and I had a great idea while I was there. Now I don't know about you, but I always enjoy looking at pictures of friends and family members at parties, I'm just not crazy about being the one who has to go around taking them.

So I was thrilled when I got this great idea at the reunion. At the very beginning of the party, I recruited my very cheerful and outgoing niece. I told her that I was designating her to be our official family photographer.

Her job was to go around and take everybody's picture. She gladly accepted this role, and I was relieved of my photographic responsibilities and was now free to enjoy my day but I had some very pleasant, unexpected surprises.

First, everybody was happy to smile and say "cheese" for this little secret weapon of mine.

Plus, I got to see a side of my friends and relatives that I don't normally get to see. Adults tend to let their hair down and act kind of goofy with 5 or 6 year olds.

I got some fabulous pictures of my more distinguished family members making some very unusual faces in their attempt to entertain this little girl.
Now I have some great pictures that will be tucked away for future blackmail.

But more importantly I got to experience life through the eyes of a 6 year old. As you would expect, the vantage point from 3 foot tall brought a whole different perspective! It reminded me that sometimes we just have to look UP.

I also got to see what was important to a 6 year old, which was quite amusing too. I had pictures of dogs and cats and the family spread.

I found the whole experience brought the kid out in my family and friends and it also did the same for me.

As the Holidays approach with their never ending parade of parties and functions, I urge you to consider "loaning" your inexpensive digital camera to one of the smaller kids in your family and be prepared to see a different view of the party!

I'm sure you'll get pictures you will treasure for years to come,and that may be the best tip I have ever given you.

Speaking of fresh viewpoint's; perhaps it's time to start thinking about finding that house in the country, closer to work, or on the lake that you've always talked about?

Seriously, if you haven't heard, it's really a great time to buy! Guidelines for lending are changing on an almost daily basis and what is available today may not be available tomorrow. Many doors are shutting; let's make sure you are in the right home before the door shuts.

And, I would love to see some of your party pictures! Trust me, when you see the results you are going to thank me for a long time.

Thanks for joining me today; I look forward to hearing from you soon!



Sunday, August 14, 2011

How a 10 Year Old Broke Into a Home - Is Your's Next?


My eldest, Dillon, yesterday setting up for a block in his first scrimage for this season's Temecula Titans.


I just saw a video that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!

It's about a well known trick thieves use to break into your house. In just a minute, I'll give you the link to click on so you can watch the video for yourself. You are not going to believe this!

A friend of mine who works for the local police department confirmed that all the bad guys already know this trick, so I thought the good guys should too!

The special keys used for their scheme are readily available on the internet for just a few dollars.

In the video you'll see a 10 year old child, with no prior experience, break into a house in 10 seconds with only 30 seconds of training on how to use these "bump keys".

I'm letting you know so you can get the special locks that are required to prevent this intrusion.

Before I give you the link, I wanted to spend just a few moments talking about the major changes in mortgage lending that you may be hearing about.

Over the last several months, literally hundreds of lenders have gone out of business. With all of this, huge changes in lending guidelines have resulted in a stricter qualification process for borrowers.

If you have been sitting on the fence, wondering if you should begin the adventure of finding a new home; NOW is the time to act!

The time to get everything in order is here while today's low rates and flexible loan programs are still available. Once the door is shut on some of these programs there will be no going back.

I want to assure you that I will continue to be here for you. I will provide you with everything that you need to get exactly what you are looking for!

You can pass this invitation on to your friends and family members as well.

So give me a call right after you watch the video. Just click on the link that says BUMP KEY Report.

This story will shock and amaze you! Go check it out! Thanks for joining me and giving me the opportunity to help protect you and your family!

P.S. - The names of the lock companies are: Medeco and Schlage Primus. For two more videos on lock bumping, go to: and




Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Real Lifesaver!

Over the weekend I was reading the paper and was amazed by how many people were injured in car accidents.

There was one story where the hospital couldn't identify the injured person and didn't know who to contact.

It reminded me of a tip that I have been meaning to pass along. So, here's the tip. Grab your cell phone and program in the most important person to notify in case you are hurt or in an accident. But instead of putting their name with that phone number, put in the following 3 letters: "I.C.E." This stands for "In Case of Emergency".

I have verified this information with several emergency room nurses and ambulance paramedics, even the captain of one of our local fire departments. All reported that once a patient is stabilized, they look in the cell phone for an "I.C.E." entry if that patient is unable to give them a contact person.

The medical personnel can then notify their loved one, let them know there has been an accident and what hospital to come to.

We all like to think it will never happen to us, but the truth is, it does happen. So get your cell phone out right now and program in your "I.C.E.". If your kids have cell phones, do the same for them.

Speaking of "life saver's", if your outgrowing your current home, downsizing, or getting ready to buy your first home, don't forget to call me! I've just listed some amazing properties and hope to share them with you soon!

Hope you have a great weekend and call me if I can help you with anything at all.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Congratulations, Lynnette!!!


I just attended the retirement ceremony of my client and friend, Gunnery Sergeant Lynnette Glover. Lynnette proudly served in the United States Marine Corps for 22 years.

Congratulations, Lynnette. Your service and sacrifice are greatly appreciated!

The next time you pass by a man or woman in uniform, tell them "thanks"


How Can You Get A 23% Raise?

I just finished reading a fascinating study that really emphasized the importance of appreciating the people we come in contact with.

The author was a Doctor in Human Behavior. He started his research by measuring the average tips of a waitress.

One night he instructed her to do everything the exact same way as normal, but this time she was to include a single mint candy for each person at the table when she handed them the bill. Her tips went up 3% overnight. Big deal you say. Well don't take this lightly, remember, most people get about a 3% cost of living raise each year.

But the study didn't end there. The following night she was to do everything the same again, but this time she was to include 2 mints for each person sitting at the table. Her tips increased by 13%! That's a pretty nice little raise.

The study gets really interesting now. For the next night he instructed her to continue with her normal service, but to go back to one mint for each person at the table. However, as she started to step away from the table she was to stop, turn back to the customers, grab an extra mint from her pocket for each person and say "For you fine people, here's an extra mint".

Guess what happened? Her tips increased by a whopping 23%!!! Wow!!
All that extra income came from just letting her customers know how important they were to her by showing some appreciation. A two cent mint and a little bit of gratitude brought a 23% raise. Not to shabby.

Please, don't take this study lightly. Remember, it's not about fooling someone, or just telling them what they want to hear, it's about a sincere acknowledgement of thanks.

In this case, the waitress really did appreciate her customers, because they were helping her feed her family and put her kids through school. This made her customers very special to her.

After reading this story, I started applying it in my own life, with my friends and family. Now I simply stop and let them know how important they are to me. It has made a huge impact on my relationships.

I also want to say that I appreciate you! I am grateful that you let me come into your life each week.

I also appreciate the trust you place in me when you refer your family and friends to me. As my way of saying thanks, I would like to give away some mints. No! For you fine people, something even better!

How about for the first 5 people who email me back, I'll send you a $10 gas card. Just reply back to this email to get your free gift as my way of saying "Thanks, I appreciate you!".

Oh, and one more thing. Congratulations to all those who have caught this recent wave of low interest rates! It's a great time in the real estate market, so don't miss out on this opportunity to grab a piece of the American Dream!

Give me a call soon, so I can update you on what's recently become available in your area.

Thanks again for allowing me into your world; I look forward to seeing you right here next week with another great weekly tip!



Monday, June 6, 2011

Regarding the Youtube video box on the home page of my website


If you have visited my website in the last two days, you were no doubt surprised by the Youtube video on my home page.

Please allow me to explain. I contracted with a company to revise and update my website design. The name of this company and their website is

I instructed them to create a video box that would allow me to insert my own videos. Basically creating my own video blog that could be changed and updated whenever I wanted.

The initial video this company used as an example in the re-design stage just happened to be an idiotic homemade youtube video where the two guys in the video used extreme profanity. How this company could be so unprofessional/incompetent is beyond my understanding.

I have been imploring this company to remove it for two days now. The problem is they are in India, I can only communicate with them via email, and their service and turn-around time is pathetic.

By the time I realized how bad they were, I was already too far invested in both time and money to start over with another company. Now, in hindsight, I should have pulled the plug on them.

I hope you understand the profane video was certainly not intentional on my part.

Thanks for understanding,



Saturday, June 4, 2011

So what to make of the housing market?

The news is abundant with reports of falling home prices. But what about locally, here in the Temecula Valley?

I've created a chart that tracks home prices in the Temecula Valley from January 2009 through April 2011. See the attachment to this email.

Basically, it shows home prices have remained steady throughout most of the Temecula Valley. Does that mean prices will remain steady over the next several months? ... Who knows. I dropped my crystal ball and broke it a long time ago.

Here's what I do know:

Local prices have fallen roughly 57% from their highs of Summer 2006.

The 'Affordability Index' is now higher (better) than ever, now over 70%, meaning over 70% of families in the Temecula Valley can afford the median priced home (in 2006, it reached a low of 17%!).

If you owned land free and clear, you couldn't build a home now for what you could buy an existing home for.

The rent -vs- buy ratio has just tipped in favor of buying throughout most of the Temecula Valley and in the few pockets where it hasn't, it's very close.

Financing - despite what you hear on the news - is abundant as long as you are a W-2 wage earner (most self employed folks have challenges to overcome in terms of proving their income through tax returns).

Down payment requirements are as low as 1% with minimum fico scores of 620-640.

I may be proved wrong but I really don't think prices can fall much more in the Temecula Valley. They're just so darn low already. So low that investors from outside California are beginning to stream into the area like the 49ers gold rush.

Just like in the 80's and 90's, the Temecula Valley has once again become ridiculously cheap compared to our San Diego and Orange County neighbors and we are a reasonable commute for both.

Also, keep in mind our housing crash started in August of 2007 so we're already four years into it while much of the rest of the country followed much later. Historically, California's economy always leads the nation out of recessions.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Hope you have a great weekend. Call me if I can help you with anything at all.


P.S. My website is currently down while undergoing re-design and updates. Should be up by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. NOTE: If you ever need website design work, never hire the company They've been a nightmare to deal with.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to Understand the Good Faith Estimate (GFE)

All lenders and brokers are required to provide you with a Good Faith Estimate detailing the services you may be required to get and pay for in connection with your loan. In the past couple of years, the GFE has undergone government-mandated changes.

In typical government fashion, it didn’t really work out so well. Most borrowers - as well as, Real Estate and Lending Professionals -have complained that the GFE is now more confusing than ever.

Hopefully, this report I’ve put together will help make it crystal-clear for you. It's rather lengthy, so I'm not posting it here. Just send me an email and I'll email it to you in easy to read PDF format,

Hope you have a great weekend. Call me if I can help you with anything at all.




Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Austin Wins 1st Place


My middle son, Austin wins 1st place in the 5th Grade speech competition at Rancho Christian School.

The young man certainly has the gift of gab :)

Congratulations, Austin. Mom and Dad are proud of you!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Now I Can Read Without Glasses


I turned 47 years old on April 15th.

For the last several months I’ve noticed it was becoming more difficult to read. A couple weeks before my birthday, I came into the office, booted-up the computer and finally it happened … I could no longer read the text on my screen (ditto books and newspaper).

I swiped a pair of my colleague’s drug store reading glasses (thanks, Jon Sheehan) and made do for a few days. It was very depressing. I already wear contact lenses for distance (since I was 18) and did not want to deal with also having to lug around a pair of reading glasses.

Then I remembered a conversation I had a few years ago with my Title Rep, Gary Matlock. Gary told me about a method of ‘eye exercises’ that strengthens the eyes and eliminates the need to wear reading glasses.

Long story short: I Googled ‘read without glasses’ and discovered a dvd product sold through called – appropriately – ‘Read Without Glasses’ by Dr. Ray Gottlieb. Cost: $39 bucks.

With a high dose of skepticism, I bought it. When it arrived I watched the dvd and began practicing the method.

Now, you may find this hard to believe but I’m telling you the absolute truth. The next day I could read without glasses! As I continued to practice daily for the next several days for about 5 minutes each morning, my close up vision became even better. Now I can read even fine print like food labels.

It’s amazing.

If you’re interested, here’s the link:

Once you get to the point where you can read without glasses, you don’t have to practice every day. I’ve been practicing every 3-4 days or so for 5 minutes per day and I’m easily maintaining my ability to read without glasses.

As a matter of fact, I don’t even need the dvd any longer now that I know how to do the method so if you would like to borrow it, just let me know. You can come by the office and borrow it for a few days and try it yourself.

Hope you have a great weekend. Call me if I can help you with anything at all.


P.S. I’ve discovered a service that allows homeowners facing foreclosure to remain in their home for an additional 6-12 months. I’ve researched it thoroughly and verified first hand actual homeowners who are in the program.

If you know anyone facing imminent foreclosure but are in need of additional time to:

•Complete a short sale

•Complete a loan modification

•Find a suitable rental

… please call or send them my way. I can help.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Logan gets a stitch(es) in time


My youngest son Logan showing-off his battle scar.

Have you noticed how toys are packaged these days?! It's funny because I have been saying for years how toy companies are really creating a legal liability issue for themselves by their method of packaging toys.

Well, finally it happened. My youngest son, Logan, was using a swiss knife to open one of these 'bank-vault' toy packages and he cut his index finger. Needed three stitches at Urgent Care.

No, I'm not going to sue but I can't help but think this happens more often that people realize.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Real Estate Market is Heating Up


It's starting to look like the national media might have finally gotten it right!

CNBC reported that in January clicks to the major real estate websites (Zillow, Trulia, were up 13% over last year (without a tax credit) and that would be an indicator of a strong buying season.

But did that translate locally? Apparently so!

The numbers are in for March and closed sales in our "golden triangle" are up 36% (862 to 1175). Interestingly enough that is only 6% lower than March of 2010 when the first time home buyer tax credit was in full swing. Very impressive.

Every city in our area experienced an increase in closed sales (except Winchester which was down from 39 to 38).

Some of the big winners:
Temecula - +51% (124 to 187)
Murrieta - +61% (137 to 221)
Lake Elsinore - +56% (86 to 134)
Hemet - +33% (117 to 156)

The average home price only decreased $180 (triangle wide) and Hemet actually increased 9% ($106,410 to $116,064).

So what does it all mean?

The market is performing as it always has. Sales are down in January and February and then things start to heat up along with the weather.

Hope you have a great weekend. Call me if I can help you with anything at all.


P.S. I’ll be hosting an open house again this Saturday and Sunday from 1 pm – 6 pm at 33052 Tulley Ranch Rd, Temecula (Vail Ranch).

The deadline for offers is Friday, April 22nd. Let me know if you know anyone who may be interested in this property. We just got the price from the bank: $199,000! That’s an awesome price for a fully remodeled home in the city of Temecula.

Ken Hall Properties


Ken's Credit Repair Testimonials


Monday, April 4, 2011

Austin gets his first stripe


My middle son, Austin, getting his first stripe in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Pictured with his instructor, Black Belt and Pan-American champion Ricardo Guimaraes.



Saturday, April 2, 2011

It’s Official: Buying is now cheaper than renting throughout the entire Temecula Valley


This is amazing.

I’ve put together a spreadsheet that shows the rent – vs – buy comparisons for the cities that make up the Temecula Valley area.

The monthly mortgage payment is based on the state down-payment assistance program (Cal/HFA) which has a below market interest rate of 4.25% and requires a down payment of only 1% (and some closing costs).

The down payment and closing costs may also be ‘gifted’ to the homebuyer by parents, relatives or anyone else for that matter but it has to be in the form of a ‘gift’ not a ‘loan.’

To check it out, click on:

Click on RENT -VS- BUY

Hope you have a great weekend. Call me if I can help you with anything at all.






Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Lurking Vampire … Mello-Roos


I have a client who has been pre-approved for $180,000 and is looking at two homes.

House #1 - He is considering an offer at $180,000

House #2 - He is considering an offer at $184,000

The difference in sales price is equal to only about a $20 per month difference in the monthly payment. But guess what? The actual difference in payment between these two homes is over $300 per month!

Do you know why?

One property has incredibly high Mello-Roos/Special Assessment property taxes and the other property does not … and these two properties are less than a mile apart!

This is something most agents and even many loan officers are completely oblivious to and never bother to check. They just tell the buyer, “Oh, the county property tax rate is 1.08%.”

Sure it is, but that doesn’t include the Mello-Roos. In my book, taxes I have to pay are … well, taxes-I-have-to-pay. I don’t care how they’re dressed-up or what name they’re called.

So for the misinformed and unsuspecting homebuyer: They buy the home of their dreams thinking their monthly payment is $X. Then, six months later they get hit with a supplemental tax bill for an additional $3,000!

Next, they get a letter from the mortgage company informing them that their monthly payment is going up by $250 per month in order to balance their impound account!

Not cool!

Moral of the story? I will NEVER let that happen to you or to those you refer.

Hope you have a great weekend and please call me if I can help you with anything at all.



Monday, March 21, 2011

Harvestion in Temecula! 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3,311 Sq Ft

This is our newest bank-owned property in the beautiful planned community of Harveston in Temecula.


Bank-owned!! Harveston Community!! Cul-de-sac!! 5 bedroom, 4 full bath

Price: $329,000 - $359,000

Property Type: Single Family Residence/D
Bedrooms: 5
Bath(F,T,H,Q): 4,0,0,0
Sqft/Source: 3,311
Sqft Lot/Source: 7,405

Cross Street: Harveston and Margarita
Stories: Two Level
Year Built: 2005

Bank-owned!! FULL REMODEL IN PROGRESS! Fast close of escrow!! Harveston Community!! 5 bedroom, 4 full bath 2 story home on a cul-de-sac. Built in 2005, 7,405 lot square feet. $142 monthly HOA dues. 3 car attached garage with direct entry to home. Too many upgrades.

Harveston is a wonderful world of amenities including a large lake, boats, parks, walking trails, a sports park, splash park, community pool, banquet facilities, and more. Close to schools, shopping, both 15 and 215 freeways, casino's, golf, and more. It doesn't get much better than this! Hurry!

************ LOW CREDIT SCORE OK!! **************




************ APPOINTMENT ONLY *************

************ NO AGENTS PLEASE! ************

Contact: Ken Hall at 951-760-3833

Check out a few of the many folks we've helped! Click on From Debt To Prosperity

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My client just became a victim of FRAUD …


I was talking with a past client last week and he told me how he just recently became an unwitting victim of fraud.

Specifically, ‘check-washing’ fraud.

‘Check-washing’ is a process where low-life fraudsters steal your mail and erase the ink on a check using common household chemicals. Then, they rewrite the check to themselves. If that wasn’t bad enough, they typically increase the amount payable by hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

My client has no idea how the fraudsters got hold of his check as his neighborhood mail box and it’s out-going mail box showed no signs of break-in. Regardless, they took him for over $2,000.

I first heard about this a couple of years ago and discovered if you use a ‘Uni-Ball Jetstream Rollerball Pen’ to write your checks, this “washing” procedure cannot be accomplished. This is a special kind of ink pen that contains tiny particles of color that get trapped into the paper you write your checks on.

Of course, if you pay all your bills online, then you’re ahead of the game.

You can find the Uni-Ball Jetstream Rollerball pens at any office supply store like Staples or Office Depot and you should store this particular pen with your checkbook so that every time you pay your bills you can use it.

Hope you have a great weekend and please call me if I can help you in any way.

P.S. I’ll be hosting an Open House today (Saturday) from 12 noon – 5 p.m. in the beautiful Harveston Community in Temecula. Beautiful bank-owned home, fully remodeled by the bank and will be listed in the mid $300’s. 28997 Williston Ct.

If you know anyone who might be interested, please call me or send them my way!



Friday, March 4, 2011

After a short sale or a foreclosure, will there be taxes owed on the ‘forgiven debt’?


I have put together a Special Report that covers this important topic but please understand it is for "informational purposes only." I AM NOT offering legal and/or tax advice.

This is a question that should be discussed in depth with an accountant, CPA or tax attorney who can deal specifically with your particular circumstances.

It is a rather lengthy report so I am not posting it as a blog post. Email me if you would like to receive this information and I will send it to you as a pdf attachment.

If you have a friend or loved one who has gone through a short sale or foreclosure, please do them a favor and pass this on to them.

Have a nice weekend and please call me if I can help you in any way.



Saturday, February 19, 2011



Dillon and Austin (my eldest and middle sons) winning 3rd place and 4th place in Rancho Christian School's annual science fair Friday night :)



This is one of the questions I'm asked most often. Many people who were burned early by the financial crisis and recession are now in a perfect position to jump back into homeownership. The difference this time is it's a 50% off sale compared to when they bought the first time.

As I've stated before, it's been generations since housing has been this affordable in the Temecula Valley based on price per square foot and mortgage interest rates.

Please note the parameters below are subject to change but I highly doubt we'll see them become any more strict than they are now. If anything, we may see them loosened in the near future to help facilitate re-sale of the large amount of foreclosure inventory that is still to come.



Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
1) Foreclosure is 3 years
2) Deed-in Lieu is 3 years
3) Short Sale is 3 years - unless payments made on time thru closing
4) Bankruptcy is 2 years

Veterans Administration (VA)
1) Foreclosure is 2 years
2) Deed-in Lieu is 2 years
3) Short Sale is 2 years
4) Bankruptcy is 2 years

Conventional Conforming (FNMA/FHLMC)
1) Foreclosure is 7 years
2) Deed-in-Lieu is 4 years < 80% LTV and 5 years > 80% LTV for
primary residences. 7 years for second homes and investment properties
regardless of LTV.
3) Short Sales is 2 years < 80% LTV and 5 years > 80% LTV and 7 years >
90% LTV
4) Bankruptcy is 4 years

Conventional Non-Conforming (JUMBO)
1) Foreclosure is 7 years
2) Deed-in-Lieu is 7 years
3) Short Sale is 7 years
4) Bankruptcy is 7 years


Friday, February 11, 2011

Another Billionaire says, “BUY REAL ESTATE NOW”


Dillon’s (my eldest) school photography class award winning photo, “Sunset in Temecula”


Another Billionaire says, “BUY REAL ESTATE NOW”

In my January 13th blog posting, I told you about John Paulson, the billionaire hedge fund manager who switched from betting against housing to now telling people they should buy a house…or even two houses.

Bill Ackman, the successful hedge fund manager behind Pershing Square Capital Management, is another case in point. He, too, saw the housing bubble before it popped. He made a now famous argument as to why the stock of MBIA, which guaranteed the slop coming out of the mortgage factories during the bubble, was going to crumble. And it did, netting Ackman more than $1 billion. MBIA was, at the time, one of the five biggest financial institutions in the US.

But now, like Paulson, Ackman is bullish on US housing. He recently made a compelling case for buying real estate NOW!

First, housing is cheaper now than it’s been in a generation. The median income is now 78% above what it takes to qualify for a fixed-rate loan on 80% of the median purchase price. Mix that with housing prices that are 30% off their peak nationally and low mortgage rates and you get a cocktail of affordable housing.

The second key part to the argument is to look at the number of forced sellers. As a buyer, it is more favorable to you if you buy from people who have to sell. Makes sense, right?

In housing, about 30% of sellers are in foreclosure or approaching it. These are national figures, so in markets like ours in Riverside County, there are more forced sellers than others. “Buyers benefit when conventional sellers compete with distressed sales,” Ackman says.

Ultimately, this process is good for the home market. As Ackman points out, “Overpriced and overleveraged homes will be transitioned to new, stable owners at more reasonable prices and on more favorable financing terms.” From such stable bases, new bull markets are born.

Third, we look again at financing terms and costs. You can borrow at about 5% fixed for up to 30 years, putting down only 20% (3.5% for FHA loans). You have no prepayment penalties – so you can, if rates fall, refinance. But if rates rise, you can sit tight. And you can deduct the interest from your taxes. It's a sweetheart deal!

Rates, by the way, haven’t been this low since the Freddie Mac survey began.
This also makes for a great inflation hedge. Even small price increases multiply the equity in your house, assuming conventional 80% financing and a 10-year holding period.

People who are skeptical of housing think prices won’t rise anytime soon. But as this exercise shows, you don’t need much of an increase. Even a 1% annual increase over a 10-year period gives you 2.7 times your money. Anything better and your upside soars!

Paulson and Ackman – two great investors – made fortunes betting against housing, but now they’ve changed their views as the market changed. Maybe we should too.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Credit Repaired *** Debt Eliminated *** GUARANTEED ***


My awesome dog, "Dash" ... truly man's best friend :)


*** Credit Repaired ***
*** Debt Eliminated ***
*** ***

As a valued client and long-time sufferer of my Blog postings, you are probably aware that for many years I’ve been regarded as one of the top credit repair specialists in California.

In 2003, I wrote a book titled:

“How To Repair Your Credit and Qualify for a No-Money Down, Low Interest Rate Home Loan in 30 Days.”

The E-Book version became an internet sensation and turned me into an internet celebrity, albeit a minor one (I think you’re required to be involved in a Lindsey Lohan-esque scandal to be considered “major.”)

I’m excited to announce that I am now in possession of the knowledge and tools to take “credit repair” to the next level. The next level is actual and literal “debt elimination.”

Very long story short: I worked with (and paid a significant amount of money to) an accomplished attorney specializing in the Fair Credit Report Act. I now have in my possession the legal documents that make up the “Administrative Process” needed to actually eliminate bad debts (i.e., collection accounts and charge-offs) from your credit report.

It’s complicated and involves a great deal of “legallesse” and I would be happy to explain it to you in its most basic terms. But what’s most important for you to know is: It gives you the power to permanently repair your credit and eliminate old collection accounts and charge-offs that may have been haunting you for years.

If you or anyone you know is in need of this kind of help, please call or send them my way today.

I can be reached at 951-760-3833. Or email me at


Friday, January 21, 2011

The United States of America -VS- China

The relationship between the world's two competing superpowers, the United States of America and China, is a strange one.

One nation produces, the other consumes. One borrows, the other lends. One is a great capitalist wearing a communist uniform, the other preaches freedom and liberty even as the weeds of encroaching Socialism threaten to paint the Capitol of Washington DC red.

Thursday, January 13, 2011



My middle son, Austin, and I went to the BCS National Championship game in Glendale, AZ, monday night. Awesome game and a great time. College football at it's best. Auburn defeats Oregon, 22-19 on a last second field goal. I shot the video just seconds after the winning kick.

Big thanks to my good friend John Sparkenbach for getting me the tickets!


John Paulson is the man who turned the greatest trade of all time. Betting against the housing market, he netted a cool billion dollars for himself in 2007. That’s “BILLION with a B.”

Today, he’s saying it’s the best real estate buying opportunity of all time.

"If you don't own a home, buy one," Paulson said. "If you own one home, buy another one, and if you own two homes, buy a third and lend your relatives the money to buy a home."

Factoring in mortgage rates, housing affordability is back to where it was in September 1996. Then mortgage rates were 8% and the average price of a home was $171,600.

You can actually buy a home for a monthly payment that is not very many dollars different from the monthly payment one would have needed in September 1996, when rates were significantly higher.

Adjusted for inflation, the payment for an average-priced home today is about 30% lower than it was 14 years ago.

Essentially, real estate is a way to buy now and pay later. And the case for housing extends to other property types, too. Owners of quality real estate are getting deals on mortgages that we are unlikely to see for a generation.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Airport Screening Results

Attention: the first report on the effectiveness of the new “see-through-clothing” screening techniques at airports has just been released.

Year-to-date statistics on Airport screening from the Department of Homeland Security:

Terrorist Plots Discovered 0
Grandma Packin’ Heat 1
Transvestites 133
Hernias 1,485
Hemorrhoids 3,172
Enlarged Prostates 8,249
Breast Implants 59,350
Natural Blonds 3

Amazing! I feel much safer now!